
For me, the middle is vertical! – Absurd and amusing stories from German executive floors

In my workshops and coaching sessions I keep hearing and experiencing the most extraordinary stories from day-to-day business. Some of them are wonderfully absurd. At the same time the topics seem very familiar to us and almost seem normal.

I will talk about these stories in this blog. Of course in anonymized form. I think you will find them informative and hope that some readers have smiles on their faces when they read them.


Heel to toe

13. August 2024|

"What topic would you like to tackle today?" I ask my coachees at the beginning of each coaching session. The sessions are used to reflect on what the coachee wanted to work on since the [...]

Enlightenment tango

31. August 2023|

"How was your vacation?" is something I've been asked a lot in the last few days. "I didn't go anywhere" is my answer. Now that my kids are out of school, I'm working through the [...]

Of genitals and stories

7. August 2021|

"Do you have a favorite female surfer?" my surfing buddy Yannick asked me a few years ago. "Carissa Moore," I replied like a shot. "But she surfs like a man!" Yannick countered. So? What does [...]

1999 – or the narcissist in me!

2. March 2021|

"Ms. Keromosemito, in your opinion, is Mr. M. a narcissist?" Mr. O., the managing director of a mechanical engineering company, asked me the other day. Together we were preparing a conflict facilitation with Mr. M., his works council chairman. [...]

Of ducks and experts

13. December 2020|

"Why doesn't our management listen to us, although we are the experts and know how it works?" a participant in my expert program asked me a while back. In cooperation with the customer, I developed [...]

Anything but good!

11. March 2020|

"Can you please also address the issue of resilience?" a customer recently asked me. My task was to reflect on the results of a 360° feedback process with managers of a large corporation. The CEO [...]

Latin lesson for leaders

6. January 2020|

"How can we improve our meeting culture?" – I am asked on a pretty regular basis. Meetings – nobody likes them. Everyone thinks there are too many of them. They rarely bring the desired results. [...]


23. July 2019|

“Tell us, where do you see yourself in ten years' time?” – This is one of those questions that is asked again and again in job interviews. There is no perfect answer to this question. [...]


28. March 2019|

Our thoughts are permanently leaving reality behind. Our working day often already starts in our heads while we are still asleep. While in bed we are working on our lists. [...]

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