Of genitals and stories

"Do you have a favorite female surfer?" my surfing buddy Yannick asked me a few years ago. "Carissa Moore," I replied like a shot. "But she surfs like a man!" Yannick countered. So? What does that mean: surfing like a man? Or like a woman? And who defines that? Women's issues in general [...]

By |2023-02-24T18:26:30+01:007. August 2021|

It’s just an ocean experience

“Do you also offer training sessions just for women?” – I get asked on a regular basis. No, I do not. It does not make any sense to me that women (apparently) lead differently than men or that different rules apply to their careers than to those of their male counterparts. Recently, however, [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:38:00+01:0015. September 2019|
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