About weather and happiness

"What was the weather like on vacation?" customers often ask when we meet up again after the vacation period. A vacation seems to be especially good when the sun is shining and it's warm, but not scorching hot. Since I've been surfing, I always have to think a little about what the weather [...]

By |2024-07-24T13:32:17+02:0024. July 2024|

Newly arrived in the boss’s chair

"What topic do you think I should tackle next?" my coachee Alex asked the other day at the beginning of our session. Alex has held a leadership position in a medium-sized company for four years. During this time, she has excellently mastered several professional challenges. She reorganized her team, successfully implemented concepts, and [...]

By |2023-04-10T09:59:40+02:0010. April 2023|

The menu of possibilities

"What is your life philosophy?" Matt Griggs asked me for the first time in 2019 as part of my development measure. After my Kelee meditation, I contemplated on it and suddenly had an image in my mind: that of a breakfast buffet. It had struck me that people fill their breakfast plates very [...]

By |2023-01-06T07:29:16+01:006. January 2023|

Just look at the trousers he is wearing…

"How do I want to be with myself and others?" is a question I regularly encourage my coachees to ask themselves. At the top of the list of answers is: calm. This is hardly surprising, given that my clients' nerves are frayed by their superiors, customers, delivery bottlenecks and, for the last almost [...]

By |2021-12-18T10:11:36+01:0018. December 2021|

The Star Authority

"What did you learn from corona?" is a question currently being asked by many HR experts on LinkedIn & Co. Always take away something positive, seems to be the motto for those working from home. I can easily keep up with that, although unlike for many coaches, for me the whole thing has [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:02:56+01:0018. September 2020|

Anything but good!

"Can you please also address the issue of resilience?" a customer recently asked me. My task was to reflect on the results of a 360° feedback process with managers of a large corporation. The CEO attached particular importance to the issue of resilience. One of these topics that descended upon us shortly after 'work-life [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:13:18+01:0011. March 2020|

My boss is a jerk – how do I get rid of him?

What do I do if the management behaves in a way that completely goes against our corporate values?" asked Stefan, a retail manager, during one of my recent seminars. He did not wait for an answer, but continued – "In seemingly never-ending meetings we talk about how we are to act in the [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:21:14+01:005. March 2020|

Latin lesson for leaders

"How can we improve our meeting culture?" – I am asked on a pretty regular basis. Meetings – nobody likes them. Everyone thinks there are too many of them. They rarely bring the desired results. Some meetings are even downright unpleasant. At the end of a coaching session a few weeks ago, Mr. O., [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:31:47+01:006. January 2020|

Call me Kaa and trust in me!

“Can you run 10 workshops for us by the end of the year on the topic of trust?” a technology group asked me last August. On the one hand, for an independent trainer like me, jobs as large as these are similar to winning the jackpot. On the other hand, fall is a very [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:34:36+01:0031. October 2019|

It’s just an ocean experience

“Do you also offer training sessions just for women?” – I get asked on a regular basis. No, I do not. It does not make any sense to me that women (apparently) lead differently than men or that different rules apply to their careers than to those of their male counterparts. Recently, however, [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:38:00+01:0015. September 2019|
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