About weather and happiness

"What was the weather like on vacation?" customers often ask when we meet up again after the vacation period. A vacation seems to be especially good when the sun is shining and it's warm, but not scorching hot. Since I've been surfing, I always have to think a little about what the weather [...]

By |2024-07-24T13:32:17+02:0024. July 2024|

Enlightenment tango

"How was your vacation?" is something I've been asked a lot in the last few days. "I didn't go anywhere" is my answer. Now that my kids are out of school, I'm working through the summer of 2023 and taking a vacation in the fall when the waves have improved again. I must [...]

By |2023-08-31T09:40:57+02:0031. August 2023|

The vanilla crescent dictatorship

"What would you have done in my position?" many coachees ask me when they tell me about challenging situations from their day-to-day work. Recently, Mr. V., managing director of a subsidiary in a group of companies, asked this question. He had been involved in a conflict with Mr. T., the managing director of another subsidiary [...]

By |2021-03-04T17:57:58+01:007. January 2021|

Of ducks and experts

"Why doesn't our management listen to us, although we are the experts and know how it works?" a participant in my expert program asked me a while back. In cooperation with the customer, I developed a program for an international luxury goods manufacturer in 2016 that strengthens the ability of experts to convey [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:00:03+01:0013. December 2020|

About winners and losers

"Ms. Keromosemito, what do you think makes people successful?" When I am asked this question, I often have the impression that the person asking is looking for the magic formula for success. I don't have it, but I read a lot and hoped to find the answer in Simon Sinek’s huge bestseller "Start with [...]

By |2021-03-04T18:28:38+01:0029. December 2019|
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